2022 Black Friday Details

Hello Everyone! 

It's that time of year again when we get excited about BLACK FRIDAY GIGA DEALS! I have spoken to my accountant (Me) and agree that we should give back to the community as a treat for showing us (Me) so much support recently. All discounts will be automatically applied so no one will miss out.

Thinking about ordering later? Make sure there's enough stock in the connector you're interested in - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NcRV0QBWayDTan0jXHXcSgoozwCFx_2V4xNqTprmTPw/edit?usp=sharing

Without further ado... please find the 2022 Black Friday deals below.


For Chewy Coiled Cables - https://trulychewyie.com/products/chewy-coiled-cable

Chewy Coiled Cables will be receiving a flat $15 discount.

This represents a 23.1% discount on a base Chewy Coiled Cable and a 17.6% discount on a base Chewy Coiled Cable with a cerakoted connector! 

 Discount is live from NOW till 11:59PM on the 27th of November 2022

For Chewy Straight Cables - https://trulychewyie.com/products/chewy-straight-cable

Chewy Straight Cables will be receiving also be receiving a flat $15 discount.

This represents a 15% discount on our popular Chewy Straight Cable with a cerakoted FEMO connector, and an 18.75% discount on a Chewy Straight Cable with a silver FEMO connector. This discount % will be even higher with you decide to get a cheaper configuration. 

 Discount is live from NOW till 11:59PM 27th of November 2022

For Chew-B Cables - https://trulychewyie.com/products/chew-b-by-truly-chewyie

Chew-B Cables will be receiving a flat $35 discount!!!

As promised, this constitutes a minimum 25% discount on our most expensive Chew-B configuration containing a cerakoted connector. As math works, this % will increase if you go with a cheaper configuration. This is a great opportunity to get your hands on a unique Chew-B cable!

 Discount will be live from Midnight 12:00AM 25 November 2022 till 11:59PM 27 November 2022.

Final Remarks

Some may ask, "Chewyie! why don't you just use a percentage discount? It'll save you some discounting costs!". Well my dear friend, Shopify's discounting code is horseshit and wont let me use a percentage discounts on multiple upgrades within a cable, it will only apply the discount on the base cost of the cable which doesn't take into account any upgrades (such as cerakoted connectors). As this won't apply an adequate discount for you all to enjoy, I've decided to cop the expense in the name of sharing the Truly Chewyie Dream.

You may notice that you're able to apply this discount to as many cables as you want! Some may ask "Why don't you just limit it to one per customer?". Well my dear friend, Truly Chewyie is a purpose driven business. I want a Truly Chewyie Cable to be the final piece that ties the theme of the keyboard to the theme of the set-up. Ideally, this would mean you have one cable for each aesthetic you're going for, and how will you accomplish this with only one cable? 

Anyways, that's it! Enjoy the shopping holiday! 

